
Travis-CI is a service which allows you to test and deploy your projects. We are only interested in the first aspect, testing, as Travis-CI allows us to run a complete battery of tests every time a new commit is made on the master branch or every time a pull-request is updated. This ensures that we are gradually improving the project and do not introduce bugs or style issues in areas where we already have tests.

Broadly speaking, there are two categories of tests we are implementing in a research project. The first category is about testing our data to ensure that the source files are the same, intermediate results did not change, etc.. Most of the time, researchers are bounded by confidentiality agreements to keep their data private. In this case you cannot use Travis-CI to test your data and you need to skip this part of the testing battery.

The second category of tests concerns the code which does not normally fall under the former constraint and can be given into the hands of private company.


To enable testing, go to and choose log in with Github in the upper right corner. Then, you have to agree that Travis-CI is allowed to have access to your repositories. There is nothing to do afterwards as Travis-CI will automatically check your repositories for a .travis.yml which includes all the build information.

To get an impression of a configuration file, take the following example of the Travis-CI configuration of this template.

    on_success: never
    on_failure: never

language: python

python: {{ cookiecutter.python_version }}

  - sudo apt-get -qq update
  - wget -O $HOME/pandoc.deb
  - sudo dpkg -i $HOME/pandoc.deb

  - pip install -U tox

  - tox -e flake8
  - tox -e black
  - tox -e docs
  - tox -e sphinx

# We only want to build with Travis when pushing to master or PR:
# build-pull-requests-merges-to-master-w-o-redunda/31882307#31882307
    - master
  • notifications lets you define whether you want to be notified if a tests fails for some commit. My personal opinion is to disable notifications as they will flood your email inbox. You can also send notifications to Slack or other services.

  • language defines the main language of your project. Depending on this choice, there are several other tools pre-installed.

  • python sets the Python version of your test environment. The default is 3.6, but you are free to change it. Furthermore, you can test your project against multiple python versions by using:

      - 3.5
      - 3.6

    Note that for each Python version a different build is created meaning the same tests would run in a Python 3.5 and 3.6 environment in parallel.

The next three steps define the build lifecycle. There are several ways to differentiate between different stages of the build process. Here is one.

  • In before_install we download pandoc to be able to use the latex builder for our documentation.

  • In install we make sure that tox is installed and has the latest version to run our tests.

  • In script we actually run the tests. As mentioned before, if you only want to run a subset of tests defined in tox, change the config to

      - tox -e flake8
      - tox -e black

    or something similar. Maybe you want to exclude pytest as some tests depend on data. In this case, I would recommend that you still include pytest and mark tests which cannot succeed for different reasons.

  • branches includes a current fix so that commits on PRs are not built twice.

There are a lot of things you can do. See this document if you are looking for a different configuration.