
After the installation, here is the manual for running the project.


The general research project must be configured in advance with

$ python configure

Make sure that all steps pass successfully. Otherwise determine what is missing, fix it and rerun the command. After that, run

$ python (build)

where build is optional, but it executes the same action. If you want to delete everything created in bld and restart the project from the source files, run

$ python distclean configure

Quality Checks

The quality of the code base is ensured by pre-commit-hooks which are automatically executed before changes are committed. If a check fails, the commit is aborted. To install the hooks, type

$ pre-commit install

After that, run

$ pre-commit run --all-files

to execute the checks without making a commit. Currently, the following hooks are installed:

To update all hooks, type

$ pre-commit autoupdate

which will change the versions in .pre-commit-config.yaml. Do that from time to time.


Before committing changes, make sure that everything works fine. Run

$ tox

and the whole test suite will be run.